For the current Moldovia-project Solid is sponsored by MATRA (Ministry of foreign affairs).

Solid Foundation (Solid) is a grass roots student organisation without the intention to make profit, which has emerged from and is affiliated to the Dutch National Union of Students (LSVb). Solid is unique because of its strong roots in the Dutch student society, experience on student democracy and – representation in the Netherlands and abroad and the equal relationship with partner organizations and most important target groups.

Mission Solid intends to share international experiences with respect to the building or the strengthening of student organisations in transition countries. Solid devotes itself to raise awareness of the need for student participation in higher education on an international level and to work on its implementation.

Students are the policy makers of the future and often the motor behind processes of change. With active student participation, educational policies become more successful due to the commitment and support given by a well represented student population. The quality of education and the development of civil society are also fostered by the active and democratic involvement of students at the basis of the educational governance system, in and outside of universities. Solid assists students to gain trust in systems of good governance and acquire experience by taking active part in them.

Solid provides demand driven and tailor made training and (organizational) assistance for student organisations to promote student democracy and – representation worldwide. Through its international network, Solid can support students and student organisations that are suppressed or not recognised in their country.