For the current Moldovia-project Solid is sponsored by MATRA (Ministry of foreign affairs).

Finished projects

Solid-AdeK partnership

Student perspectives on quality assurance and accreditation in higher education in Suriname

Time span: April 2010 - current
Partner: Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname (AdeK)
Donor: Impulsis
Project goal: To support the process of policy reforms and establishment of a new accreditation system.

Activity: Seminar - July 2010
Solid Foundation, in cooperation with Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname (AdeK), organized a seminar on the subject "students' perspectives on accreditation and quality assurance of education". The seminar took place on 5, 6 and 7 July 2010 at the Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname, Paramaribo.

Solid-ASM partnership for democratic senate elections

Time span: January 2009 - March 2010
Partner: Alianta Studentilor din Moldova (ASM)
Donor: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken (Matra - Ministry of foreign affairs)
Total budget: 117.401 euro

Project goal: To promote democratic student elections in order to have a legitimate reflection of the student population in student self governance which can improve the position of the student and indirectly the access to and quality of higher education. The elections will take place on the State University (USM), the Commercial University (UCCM) and the Academy of economic studies (ASEM).


Trainings - April 2009
This 3 days training was meant to familiarize students with the projects and to give students insight in the value and necessity of democratic student senate elections. Besides a session on the project, students followed workshops about networking, promotion and recruitment. On the last day students developed an action plan for the senate elections on their own university.

Visit of Moldovan students to the Netherlands for student senate elections May 2009
Six Moldovan students came for 5 days to the Netherlands to see the process of Dutch student council elections. They visited among others the student councils and unions of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Wageningen University (WU) to generate ideas about promotion, party structures, debates, administration, problems and successes.

Summerschool and training of trainers July 2009
During the summercamp the student senate candidates worked actively on the preparation of the elections. The students participated in workshops about election structures, project management and budget control. Also teambuilding was an important element of the programme. The last days students worked mainly on action plans. The trainings were conducted by a Solid trainer together with a Moldovan trainer. In order to prepare the Moldovan trainers for this, a 2 days training of trainers was conducted before the summer camp.

Democratic student senate elections at three universities in Moldova November 2009 and February 2010
USM, UCCM and ASEM have written history in Moldova by organizing the first democratic student senate elections! Solid representatives acted as independent observers. UCCM was the first University organizing the elections in November 2009 and realized a voting percentage of 52%! In December ASEM followed and USM had their elections at the beginning of February.

LSVb - ASM Partnership for student rights and democracy

Project Duration: May 2006 - May 2008
Partner: Alianta Studentilor din Moldova (ASM)
Donors: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Matra), Oxfam Novib (Linkis), FNV Mondiaal, Moldovan Ministry of Education and Youth, Dutch National Union of Students and the Wageningen Student Organisation.
Total budget: 72.057 euro

Project goal:
The establishment of well-functioning student senates in Moldova

Achieved results:

  1. 100 trained ASM volunteers able to coordinate and co-facilitate processes within the senates.
  2. Increased support for student senates and ASM among Higher Education stakeholders.
  3. 378 Trained student representatives who can play an active role within the senates.
  4. Continuity of trained senate- and ASM members.
  5. 28 Students trained to facilitate workshops.
  6. A trainerspool with a board.
  7. Establishment of CNOSM: the national council for student organisations in Moldova.
  8. A website of ASM as a point of reference where students can exchange information.


Visit of Moldovan students to the Netherlands - May 2006
Six Moldovan students visited the Netherlands to get an impression of Dutch student representation. They participated in workshops about student representation and joined excursions to several universities and student unions throughout the country. The students also participated in a debate about the role of students in democratic processes of change.

Orientation visit Moldova - July 2006
The visit of the Dutch students was meant to exchange ideas and generate knowledge about student representation in higher education in Moldova. Besides, Solid wanted to create a network with interesting and relevant institutions in Moldova that are active on the subject of higher education and democratization.

First international student symposium in Moldova - February 2007
Solid was the organizer of the first international student symposium in Moldova! The objective of the seminar was to create awareness about the importance of student subjects among a broad group of stakeholders in Moldova. During the symposium students from the Ukraine, Romania, Russia and Azerbaijan where present. The programme included 2 days of workshops and a conference day. The workshops where organized among three themes: the subjects related to the relationship between student senates, the internal functioning of the student senates and the specific demand driven subjects that are important for student senate members. Besides, the Moldovan students organized a Moldovan night and students watched a documentary about student organizations in Belarus.

Films summer camp
Films of the summer camp are on Youtube.
Summercamp film 1
Summercamp film 2
Summercamp film 3

Summer school - July 2007
The summer school took place in Vadul Lui Voda. During the camp, students could attend several workshops and lectures on the following themes: competencies, mobility (including the Bologna process) and corruption. At the end of the week the participants were able to write a project proposal, develop policies, analyse their own organization and mention the advantages and disadvantages of the Bologna process. The week ended with a creative night with a barbecue and many interesting performances. To stimulate the implementation of good project proposals, Solid supplied grants to relevant and qualitative project proposals with a budget of 200 euros.

Training of trainers - March 2008
The objective of this part was to teach participants the competences that are necessary to conduct a successful training. Through this training the participants are able to transfer in an effective way knowledge, skills, good attitudes and ideas to other students, in order to guarantee the capacities of student representatives on the long term. The programme of ToT consisted of an introduction, practical workshops, a training session and a session about the establishment of the trainers pool.